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With battle raging across the front line and the number of wounded soldiers growing, an evacuation chain was quickly put in place by the Army Health Service.
As explained perfectly by Alain Larcan and Jean-Jacques Ferrandis in their book Le Service de Santé aux armées pendant la Première Guerre mondiale: "The Regimental Health Service collected the injured who were walking or fetched immobilized injured soldiers from the battlefield. The service prepared them for evacuation. The divisional Health Services loaded the injured into ambulances or automobile health sections. The army corps health service managed evacuations and kept operational resources - i.e. ambulances - close at hand, for those who could not be moved and those with very minor injuries. Evacuations were carried out to the Staging Zone, either to hospitals in the rear-guard, or to the interior of the country. These evacuations were performed using hospital trains. The operating conditions of the chain were, however, different with regard to the distances to be travelled during warfare and stabilization of the front."
Military hopsitals
Private hospital
Document shelf numbers enable the documents to be consulted in the reading room of the Seine-et-Marne Departmental Archives.