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The Board of Registration was established in 1791; notarized deeds must be registered by a tax collector, i.e. transcribed in a public register, against the imposition of a registration fee.
Specific tables of deaths enable inheritances to be monitored. . From 1825, they are replaced by tables of inheritance and absences.
They are stored alphabetically and provide, with variations depending on the date, information about the deceased person (name, age, occupation, residence, date of death), his/her heirs (name, occupation, residence), assets (details and location, value), the date of declaration and payment of fees and any comments.
The tables for the period 1814-1907 were scanned in partnership with Coutot-Roherig and are now available online.
Under law 2008-696 of 15 July 2008 on archives and Order 2009-483 issued 29 April, 2009 implementing section 35 of this law, the tables can be disclosed to the public after 50 years.
For posting online the recommendations of the National Commission on Computing and Liberties (CNIL) led to a period of 100 years being established to protect the privacy of individuals.
The scanning campaign and online posting covers all tables of deaths and tables of inheritance and absences, for the period 1814-1907, held in the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne.
However, some tables could not be scanned because of their physical condition.
Furthermore, there are gaps in the collection: for some municipalities and in certain periods, the tables have not been preserved and, therefore, do not appear among the documents made available online.
The tables are classified by registry. It notaries carry out the registration formalities and the search must therefore be addressed to the office to which the registry of the notary who managed the estate is attached.
Registry offices, which were abolished in 1968, cover territorial constituencies which may have evolved over time. The search should therefore target several neighbouring registries.
The collection of tables held in the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne, whose digital images (scans) are now available online, is sometimes incomplete. It is therefore possible that the registry of interest to you is missing tables for certain periods which have not been preserved.
Use the image adjustment tools (contrast, brightness etc.) on the viewer or on your computer. If the image is of poor quality or truncated, please inform the departmental archives. If the writing is problematic, please refer to the information on paléography.
By email : complete the online contact form
Scanning can sometimes be incomplete: report any gaps to the service, so the original can be inspected and you can be informed whether or not the page is present.
Some tables are incomplete - the page missing on the screen is also missing in the table.
Any reuse of public information held by the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne is subject to compliance with general regulations and the signing of a licence covering the intended use, pursuant to the guidelines of the order of 6 June, 2005 on freedom of access to administrative documents and the reuse of public information and law No. 78-753 of 17 July 1978, adopting a range of measures to improve relations between the administration and the public and various administrative, social and fiscal provisions.
FIND OUT MORE : visit the page on the reuse of publc information
In accordance with the law on "Computing and Liberties" (L.78-17) of 6 January 1978, as amended, individuals whose personal information appears in scanned archive documents posted on the website of the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne have the right of access and rectification.
Any person may exercise this right by contacting the webmaster of the website of the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne, at the following address archives@cg77.fr to request the disclosure, correction or removal of personal data concerning them.