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Population censuses appeared in France during the Revolution and became better managed and systematized during the nineteenth century.
Censuses are conducted every 5 years but can be suspended during wartime: the 1871 census therefore took place in 1872, while those of 1916 and 1941 did not take place.
In the second half of the twentieth century their frequency was not as regular - censuses took place in 1946, 1954, 1962, 1968, 1975, 1982, 1990, 1999. From 2004 the general census was replaced by a permanent census: municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants are subject to a comprehensive census every five years, while municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants conduct a census by survey every year.
Systematic named lists were introduced in 1836, based on individual ballot papers and household records. For each municipality they indicate, per household: the name and surnames of the inhabitants, their occupation and sometimes the age, place of birth (in 1872 and 1876), nationality (in 1851, 1872, 1876 and from 1886), position in the household (from 1881) and even religion and diseases or disabilities for the 1851 census.
The above lists are currently available online.
Named census lists exist for the years 1836 to 1982. They were discontinued after this period.
Under law 2008-696 of 15 July 2008 on archives, they can be disclosed to the public after 75 years. All censuses up to 1936 can therefore be viewed in the reading room.
For posting online the recommendations of the National Commission on Computing and Liberties (CNIL) led to a period of 100 years being established to protect the privacy of individuals. Every census up to 1911 inclusive is therefore available online..
Yes, all lists prior to 1911 kept at the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne are available online.
However, about forty registers, which are microfilmed, were not included in the campaign involving scanning of the originals. The microfilms will be scanned and put online soon.
The registers are classified according to the name of the canton. If you do not know the canton to which the municipality that interests you belongs, you can check the downloadable list (opposite). This list shows each municipality's date of creation and its removal, if any, the canton to which it belongs (with the date of creation and optionally the date of removal of the canton) and the date on which the attachment to this canton took place and the date on which the attachment ended, if any.
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If the writing is problematic, please refer to the information on paléographie.
By email : complete the online contact form
Scanning can sometimes be incomplete: report any gaps to the service, so the original can be inspected and you can be informed whether or not the page is present.
Any reuse of public information held by the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne is subject to compliance with general regulations and the signing of a licence covering the intended use, pursuant to the guidelines of the order of 6 June, 2005 on freedom of access to administrative documents and the reuse of public information and law No. 78-753 of 17 July 1978, adopting a range of measures to improve relations between the administration and the public and various administrative, social and fiscal provisions.
FIND OUT MORE : visit the page on the reuse of public information
In accordance with the law on "Computing and Liberties" (L.78-17) of 6 January 1978, as amended, individuals whose personal information appears in scanned archive documents posted on the website of the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne have the right of access and rectification.
Any person may exercise this right by contacting the webmaster of the website of the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne, at the following address archives@cg77.fr to request the disclosure, correction or removal of personal data concerning them.